I was scanning the headlines as I waited for my client’s case to be called this morning in Chancery Court, and I found a rather interesting article about the “new dating practices of Generation Z.”
Allegedly, Generation Z thinks that they have created something new, called “throning.”
Throning refers to the practice of dating a person who is at a higher social or financial status than you currently are in, in order to elevate your own status.
Oh, Gen Z, trust me, this is nothing new.
This dating practice has been in place since biblical times.
But the practice does create several legal issues to the target of said throning practice.
Because the target is at the risk of losing quite a bit of money, either now or later down the road.
So, here are my Blue Jean Lawyer Tips to Avoid Getting Cleaned Out if You Get Throned:
Don’t buy a house with someone, unless you’re married, or you have paperwork in place that allows you to sell the house if you ever break up.
Don’t buy someone a car and put their name on the title, if your name is on the loan.
Don’t loan someone money without a promissory note in place regarding repayment.
Don’t get married without a prenuptial agreement in place that protects any and all assets you bring into the marriage, to include the assets you acquire during the marriage…and to protect you from having to pay ungodly amounts of alimony to them in the event of a divorce.
I can think of so many other tips, but I have limited space for this column.
Therefore, I am holding a free “I’m Single, Now What?” seminar at the St. Martin Public Library on 15004 Lemoyne Blvd., Biloxi, MS at 5 pm on February 11, 2025---right before Valentine’s Day—that will cover the following topics:
The unique legal and financial challenges faced by individuals who are not married
Prenuptial Agreements and asset protection strategies for those planning to get married
How to ensure your children are protected in blended family situations
Again, it’s free to the public. No sign up needed.
Just show up ready to listen, laugh, and learn.
Y’all stay safe out there.