Oh Baby!!
I have two grandbabies…and boy are they handfuls. One is turning 5 in July. Lately, my social media pages have been flooded with pictures of sonograms, newborn babies blinking at the photographer, and "We're Expecting" announcements. It's definitely baby season. I'm already stocking up on shower gifts and making plans to be at the hospital for not one, but several, upcoming deliveries.
All this baby talk has gotten this old Estate Planning and Family Law attorney thinking.
About the parents. Guys, being a parent these days is scary as Heck. Seriously. You have to raise these mini-me's to be, hopefully one day, respectful, productive, contributing members of society...but you also want them to be free-spirited and willing to take risks and not blindly follow the herd.
You feed 'em. You clothe 'em. You bathe 'em. You shower 'em with love, affection, and the
occasional gift.
You protect them as best you can...and you try to instill in them a modicum of respect as they
temper tantrum their way through the terrible two's...the threenager period...the snuggly age that is four...the independent five-year-old stage...the helpful six-year-old stage...then....
BAM!!! They become teenagers and stop resembling the sweet precious child you once knew.
You start to understand why many animals eat their young (just kidding...but then again, welllll......)
The eye rolls. The muttered comments you can't "quite" make out when you turn your back.
Oh my goodness. It's a trial. Then, just a few years later. BAM!!
They turn 18. Not that baby anymore. More than the teenager. Right on the precipice of
adulthood....but with so many years left before they are mature enough to understand that you were always right and they were always wrong Ok. So maybe not always right. But your maternal/paternal wisdom will one day become extremely evident to them. Usually the same day they stare into newborn eyes that are dang near identical to their own.
But I digress.... Your baby just turned 18. You sigh in relief that they (and you) survived to see adulthood.
Wait....hold up...adulthood? They are only 18. They're not adults yet, right?
Sorry, Mom and Dad. Your babies, under the eyes of the law, are now considered adults in
many cases.
They can contract to buy their own car. They can get married without your permission.
They can go to college or choose not to go to college...and your input is optional now...not
They can sign a lease without your permission.
You no longer have access to their medical records, and you are no longer legally able to make medical decisions on your child's (excuse me....I meant to say...adult child's) behalf.
You, unless certain circumstances apply, have absolutely no right to see your child's college
grades/attendance records/class schedule. It's the law...and no matter what age your baby may be at the present time...it's headed your way.
So, as a parent, don't you think you need to arm yourself with the knowledge of what happens to your rights as a parent when your precious little one turns 18?
Give us a call so we can talk.