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Hurricane Preparedness


The news stations are filled with weather reports about the possibility of the dreaded "H" word.


It's that time of the year, my friends. Hurricane season.


As we, the MS Gulf Coast residents, begin to stock our shelves with staples, supplies, pull out the generators and fill the gas tanks, we need to ask these questions, as well:


• Are my legal and financial papers in order?

• Do I have everything organized and ready to go if we need to evacuate?

• Do I have a plan in place to ensure that my kids/parents/grandparents have a way to get in touch with me if we are separated during an emergency?


I hear the horror stories from Katrina often in my estate planning seminars and in my one-on-one meetings with clients.


• Loss of important documents and photos.

• Loss of contact with loved ones after the hurricane passed.

• Lack of sufficient evidence to ensure that the insurance company knew what was lost and could attach a value to it for reimbursement.


I've been there, both personally and professionally.


A former compliance director responsible for a statewide company's Risk Management plan and the creation of the risk management department and a Coastal hospital and three nursing homes, I have over 9 years of experience....where I wrote and updated the hurricane plans, the disaster plans, and the emergency plans for over 25 different locations, from schools, shelters, inhouse medical centers, nursing homes, durable medical equipment companies, to outpatient clinics.


I've trained employees, both my own and other company' to handle disaster to plan ahead and how to recover from disasters.


I've assisted families with private planning.


I know that lack of planning is the worst thing you can do when it comes to disasters.


Therefore, my "Organize Your Life" estate planning seminars will be renamed to "Are You Ready?" life planning and emergency planning seminars and I will hold these particular seminars through the summer and into the Fall...right up until November 30th. (end of hurricane season)


I also provide one-on-one estate planning with clients in my firm...just call and make an appointment.


There is no charge to attend these seminars, goodies will be given away, and I will cover information regarding:


• legal issues that may arise in a disaster situation

• how to establish a communication plan for your family and friends

• what you need in your "go kit" for evacuations

• ensuring your elderly parents (or you) have a plan in place for emergency situations

• how to establish evidence of your belongings if you need to make an insurance claim, and

• how to plan for recovery, both financially and with your family, after an emergency or disaster occurs.


And, as always, I will provide a broad overview and answer general questions regarding:


• wills

• trusts

• special needs trusts,

• powers of attorney

• advance directives

• what happens to your assets when you die

• how to set up beneficiaries, and

• the probate process


Don't hesitate to ensure your plan is in place. Call for an appointment or attend a seminar...and find out the best way to protect your loved ones, your home and your assets.

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